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  • Norra Västerbotten Tidnings AB

  • Norran (tidigare Norra Västerbotten) är en svensk frisinnat liberal dagstidning grundad 1910 med utgivningsort Skellefteå. Den utkommer alla dagar utom söndagar.

    Allt som visas är skyddat av svensk och internationell upphovsrättslag. Norran/Solidtango tillåter dig att endast använda tjänsten för ditt personliga och privata bruk och du får inte på något sätt sprida denna till andra. Tjänsten får heller inte användas för kommersiellt ändamål om inget annat avtalats med Norran/Solidtango.

  •  http://norran.se
  •  redaktion@norran.se
  •  0910-57700

Need help?

We do everything we can to make sure that you get the best possible experience when watching a video or livestream.
However, sometimes things just don't go as expected. Click on one of the options below to get help!

You can log in with your email adress or your Facebook account. If you have forgotten your password, click on the 'forgot password?' link in the login-window. If you still can't log in, contact us below and explain the issue in the message field. When you click 'send' we will save some of your devices information to make it easier for us to help find a solution to the problem.

If you have problems completing a purchase, first try another payment option. If you still can't complete a purchase, contact us below and tell us what payment options you tried and what went wrong. When you click 'send' we will save some of your devices information to make it easier for us to help find a solution to the problem.

If there are any issues with a livestream or a video we generally try to communicate this as soon as possible - usually by writing a message on the playchannel below the player. If we haven't detected any issues try reading through the tips below and follow the instructions. If you're still experiencing issues, fill out the form att he bottom and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Are you experiencing freezes or glitches?

When a livestream freezes or glitches it's often a case of a bad internet connection, a bad connection from where the stream origins or your own connection. There can also be an issue with the specific route between the streaming server and the device you are watching on.

Problems playing a video

If you're having issues watching a video it's most often your own internet connection causing it. We recommend trying to lower the quality of the video - you can do that through the cogwheel icon in the player when watching from a computer.

Lower the quality on a livestream

Some livestreams are broadcasted with adaptive bitrate, which means that it's broadcasted in several different qualities. When a livestream is broadcasted with adaptive bitrate you will see a cogwheel in the player where you can choose what quality you would like to watch in. If there's no cogwheel, the stream is only available in one quality.

What can affect your broadband?

Anything connected to your network shares the total bandwidth, both internet trafic and your local network. If you're experiencing issues, make sure your internet connection is not in use by other devises to upload/download, stream other online video services or by online games through e.g Playstation or X-Box. Shut down all such devices and/or downloads and try again.

Is your internet connection fast enough?

You can test your connection at bredbandskollen.se. We recommend at least 5 Mbps downstram and 1 Mbps upstream to be able to watch a livestream in good quality. However, there are no guarantees that a livestream will run flawlessly dispite your connection passing the speed-test since bredbandskollen.se doesn't messure against the streaming server you're recieving the stream from.

Are you having issues with the sound?

If you're experiencing an echo, make sure you don't have several browser-tabs open with the same video/livestream. If you don't hear any sound at all, make sure your computer can play sound at all by playing a sound from another source, such as a sound/video file, through a media player.

Have you tried another internet browser?

In some cases upgrading your browser, or trying another one can solve the problem. Below are links to the most common browsers.
* Chrome
* Firefox
* Internet Explorer (NOTE! Only works in Microsoft Windows)
* Safari (NOTE! only works in Mac OS X)

Have you tried on another device?

Try watching on another computer, a mobile device or a tablet if you have access to any of these.

Did none of the above help?

Contact us below and explain your issue. When you click 'send' we'll save some of your devices information to make it easier for us to help find a solution to the problem.

We're sorry if you weren't satisfied with the experience. We happily recieve constructive feedback on how we can improve until next time. We do everything in our power to ensure that the quality is as good as possible and we'd be happy to hear your opinion regarding this!

We're sorry we couldn't meet your expectations. We happily recieve constructive feedback on how we can improve until next time. We do everything in our power to ensure that everything works as expected and we'd be happy to hear your opinion regarding this!

Contact us below and we'll get back to you as soon as possibe.